Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Thinner (1996)

2.5/5 Stars

Look at that poster. It looks like the film should at least give you some tingles as you watch it. Alas, this is far from it. It's one of the ill-fated Stephen King adaptations.

The film is directed by Tom Holland. He directed Child's Play. Ignoring the fact that its sequel was my favorite film as a kid (true story!), you would think some of his.... expertise? would slip into this film. Of course, it does not. The film follows Billy Haleck (Robert John Burke) an overweight lawyer. If you think the fat suit the actor is wearing it only gets worse.

Billy and his wife (Lucinda Jenney) are driving and she begins pleasuring him causing him in turn to crash into an old gypsy woman killing her instantly. Trust me when I say Thinner trying to take itself seriously. Anyway, being a great lawyer he gets off scot free making the gypsy woman's father place a curse on him. At first, everything seems okay. He begins to lose weight while eating anything he wants. As he continues to lose weight he realizes he will continue to do so until he dies.

This film is awful in more ways than what you have read so far. He blames his wife for the whole situation and wants revenge against her. There is no happy ending, but the ending is unsatisfying on so many levels especially when it comes to this douche bag. The poster has nothing to do with the film. Do not even get me started on the portrayal of Gypsies. The young women are nothing but hot and the older ones are nothing but vengeful.

This is a definite skip.

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