Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Disneynature Born in China (2017)

"Born in China" is the latest in the Disneynature series. The Disneynature films are not as graphic as other documentaries, but that does not mean that they shy away from from the harsh realities of life.

"Born in China" focuses on different species of animals that are native to China. The audience follows these different species for a year and we see them life live in the different seasons.

John Krasinki narrates and brings charm and humor to the lives of these animals.

Obviously the film is gorgeous to look at. During the end credits we get a glimpse into the filming process. It is fascinating and you can't help but appreciate the hard work these filmmakers put into delivering these stories.

Falling in love with the animals featured in "Born in China" is inevitable. Tao tao is a golden monkey who is ignored by his family once his little sister is born. Dawa the snow leopard is a mother who will do anything to make sure he cubs survive. Ya Ya is a panda who just gave birth to Mei Mei and like any mother struggles with the fact that her baby grows more and more independent each day.

Ya Ya and Mei Mei are the poster animals for this film and their storyline is adorable. The one that stuck with me the most though, was that of Dawa and her cubs. I do not want to give too much away, but it is the most difficult storyline to watch.

Disneynature films are educational. They are also full of heart. This one is no exception. You feel what the animals are feeling.You are taken to another world and what a journey it is.

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