Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Last Witch Hunter

Starring: Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood and Michael Caine
Directed by: Breck Eisner
Rated: PG13
Running Time: 1 hour, 46 minutes
Summit Entertainment

My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

I am not a Vin Diesel fan. I've only liked one movie that he's made and overall I find his acting to be wooden which worked when he played Groot (ba dum tish). This may or may not make me biased towards this film, but at least I'm being honest. Diesel plays Kaulder, a man whose purpose is to protect the world (*cough* United States) from witches.

We meet Kaulder way in the past when he and his fellow group of witch hunters are on their way to defeat the Queen. Kaulder is able to defeat her, but not before being cursed with immortality. Fast forward to now. Kaulder still hunts witches, but he no longer kills them. If they pose no immediate threat, he leaves them alone otherwise they are taken to the witch counsel to face judgement. If they are committed of a crime they are imprisoned. Dolan 36 (Caine) is about to retire as Kaulder's priest protector when he is murdered. Kaulder is suspicious of the circumstances and discovers that Dolan 36 has been killed by witches. Kaulder sets out to hunt those that killed Dolan 36 with the help of his new protector, Dolan 37 (Wood) and a dream walking witch, Chloe (Rose Leslie).

This isn't the most terrible film I've seen, but it's not okay either. I give it a solid "meh". Michael Caine is the standout performer in this film although the rest of the cast does try. Their performances weren't bad, but the script is awkwardly written. The romance between Kaulder and Chloe is forced, the twist ending is oddly underwhelming, attacks against Kaulder come out of nowhere, and it can get confusing with the dream sequences.

Overall I say you can skip this film.

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