Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Good Dinosaur

PG 3.5/5

The Good Dinosaur is beautiful to look at. It's one of the first things you notice about the film. The other thing you notice? It's not as good as other Pixar films. It's not bad, it's just not as good. The story follows Arlo, a dinosaur who is afraid of everything. His dad tries to get him to get over his fears, but is unsuccessful. It isn't until Arlo is separated from his family that he has a chance to grow up and grow brave. It's a simple enough plot, but there isn't as much heart as there usually is. Seeing the dinosaurs farm and live as humans do is creative, but I'm not sure it worked in the film's favor. I think it worked in Cars mainly because, we had never seen it before and cars do need to get fuel to survive. Dinosaurs live off of planet earth and there is an abundance of food (especially since the humans in this film are more animalistic than the actual dinosaurs). I just found myself asking why there was any need to do that. Spot is by far the best thing about the film. Had he not been in it, I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much as I did. I enjoyed the film and would watch it again, but it does have its flaws and especially when you have other Pixar films to compare it to, it's lackluster.

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