Tuesday, November 10, 2020

High Strung Free Dance (2018)


If you’re looking to get an authentic look into what it takes to be on Broadway, then this is not the film to watch. The lead finds work way too quickly and doesn’t struggle in the slightest, but if you’re watching this film you’re more than likely just in it for the dancing.

The film follows dancer Barlow (Juliet Doherty) and pianist Charlie (Harry Jarvis) as they both easily find a job doing what they love in the new Broadway show “Free Dance”.

The show’s choreographer Zander (Thomas Doherty) is erratic and cruel, but his antics are forgiven because of his brilliance.

That part may actually be an accurate portrayal of the business. Other than that, this is the kind of film that fuels young performers into believing breaking into the industry is as simple as not needing to do anything but following your dreams. Also I shuddered at the amount of equity rules being broken during the audition process, but what I’m trying to emphasize is that this film is by no means meant to be taken seriously.

The aspect that is absolutely delightful is the dance number at the end. This is a film about dance and anytime there is dancing on screen it’s beautiful, but the fictitious Broadway show is especially beautiful to watch. This film doesn’t have great acting or a believable story line, but if you want to watch great dancing then it’s worth checking out.

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