Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Downton Abbey (2019)

The main plot of this film stems from the fact that the king and queen will be traveling through the countryside and will be staying a day at Downton Abbey.

I’ve seen bits and pieces of the show through my friends and roommates, but I’m not too familiar with it other than the names and relationships of the Crawley family.

That being said people who have never seen the show can follow along with no problems whatsoever.

The film begins with a letter arriving at Downton Abbey. The letter states that the king and queen will stop by for a visit and the residents must prepare for that immediately.

This proves to be problematic as the king and queen have their own staff who quickly take over the running of the estate.

The pretentious royal staff get on everyone’s nerves, and the Downton Abbey staff plan a sabotage so that they may serve on the king and queen instead. There are also other minor subplots that add to the drama.

It is an engaging little flick and the acting is superb. This film is definitely not for everyone. If you don’t mind period pieces though, I say it’s worth checking out.

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