Friday, October 18, 2019

Abominable (2019)

4 stars ✨

This is an animated movie that honestly anyone can enjoy. Everest is a yeti with magical powers.

He has been captured by a yeti hunter (Eddie Izzard) and is in Shanghai far from his family on Mt. Everest. After escaping the stronghold where he is kept, he is found by Yi (Chloe Bennett).

Yi teams up with her neighbors to bring Everest back home. Dreamworks has been killing it and truly giving Disney a run for their money. Well, Dreamworks is currently better than the tired, boring remakes Disney has been releasing. Yeah, I said it.

The story is a bit formulaic, but it’s different enough to not feel like a retread of something else. The animation is gorgeous and outright breathtaking against the Chinese landscape. The characters are hilarious and you care about the circumstances they find themselves in. Overall, I highly recommend this film.

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