Monday, September 30, 2019

Ready or Not (2019)

3.5 stars ✨

This comedy slasher flick has a lot to say about wealth. It does it in an over the top way, but it does.

Grace (Samara Weaving) grew up in foster homes and wants nothing more than a real family. She is getting just that as she prepares to wed her rich boyfriend Alex (Mark O’Brien).

After the ceremony Alex reveals the family tradition: whenever a person joins the family, that person must draw a card and the entire family must play the game on the card. Grace draws the most dangerous card: hide and seek. The La Domas family become the seekers and the person who drew the card is the hider and the family must sacrifice the hider before the sun comes up.

Grace was unaware of what was at stake as Alex never revealed to her the family tradition before that point. Alex was hesitant to marry Grace as he knew the risk, but he gave in because Grace really wanted a wedding. She wanted a family as she never had one growing up. Grace also wanted Alex to fix the rift between him and his family as he hadn’t spoken to them in years. Of course, Grace is furious once she realizes her life is at stake.

She arms herself with the weapons in the family’s study and prepares to defend herself. This is a horror comedy so don’t expect much blood and gore. The La Domas family and their odd tradition does bring in laughs especially since this is the first time in decades that someone has drawn the hide and seek card and the younger members of the family make mistake after mistake in their nervous state. 

The matriarch Becky LaDomas (Andie MacDowell) seems as loving and caring as any mother at first. The more things go awry the more nuances come out in her performance as her calm facade falls away. 

The entire ensemble is fantastic. Weaving stands out and I’m sure has a bright future ahead of her. Her expressions and delivery are spot on. Melanie Scrofano as the drugged up daughter is funny. She is the biggest wreck out of everyone and accidentally kills two of the maids in the process. Her husband played by Kristian Brunn is also funny. Having been assigned the crossbow, he needs to take a break before starting the hunt to look up tutorials on how to use it. 

Another standout is Nicky Guadagni as Aunt Helene. She more than anyone is eager to kill Grace and conduct the ritual. Adding to the comedy is the clothing she is wearing and the permanent bitch face she has from start to finish. 

Ready or Not is great up until the end which felt uninspired to me. Still I enjoyed it up until this point. If you’re looking for standard horror fare, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for a good time, I think you’ll enjoy this. It’s fun to laugh at these over the top rich people and the lengths they’ll go to keep their riches. I don’t think anyone out there is keeping their riches by sacrificing people, but people do weird things to stay relevant.

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