Monday, July 8, 2019

The Young Elites (The Young Elites #1) by Marie Lu

“Be true to yourself. But that's something everyone says and no one means. No one wants you to be yourself. They want you to be the version of yourself that they like.”

This is the struggle of the main character. It’s a universal struggle!

Still, this is not a boring, cliched book. It does have its flaws, but they’re minor. Overall, it’s a fantastic read. Fantasy books are hit or miss with me and this one was a hit! I was intrigued by the setting and the circumstances of the world. This isn’t an original idea necessarily, but it was well done and unique enough to stand out. 

These are some of the things I liked immensely. There is a romance aspect, but no love triangle. The main character is physically flawed, but still beautiful. Her beauty is mentioned, but her self consciousness is warranted as she’s missing an eye. There is a platonic friendship between a female character and a male character (and again no love triangle!). The villain doesn’t stereotypically want to take over the kingdom. 

All great elements without the usual annoying tropes!

What it’s about:

“It is pointless to believe what you see, if you only see what you believe.” 

Adelina Amouteru is a malfetto (someone who has gained super powers after a blood fever ran through the kingdom). She lost her mother to the blood fever and her father is physically abusive. 

Needless to say, Adelina doesn’t have the best life. To make things worse malfettos are persecuted. They are said to be cursed and to rid the kingdom of these curses any known malfettos are killed. 

At the start of the novel, Adelina’s dad has just sold her to the town butcher. As Adelina is marked, it would be difficult for her to find a suitor despite her beauty. Her only other living family member is her sister Violetta. Violetta is spoiled by their father and the sisters’ relationship is strained because of it. Having no reason to stay, Adelina runs away. 

“Everyone has darkness inside them, however hidden.” 

Adelina is unaware of what her power is, but she discovers it as her father pursues her. She has hatred and hurt inside of her that prevents her from controlling her powers causing her to accidentally kill her father. 

This sudden burst of power causes her to get caught by the kingdom and is sent to be executed. At her execution, things begin to go awry as other malfettos show up to prevent her death. She unwittingly unleashes her powers again, fully putting an end to her execution. This causes her to faint from the exertion. 

“To love is to be afraid. You are frightened, deathly terrified, that something will happen to those you love. Think of the possibilities. Does your heart clench with each thought? That, my friend, is love. And love enslaves us all, for you cannot have love without fear.”

As it turns out, your energy is depleted whenever you use your powers. Obviously the amount of energy depleted on how long the powers are used for and how much you use at a time. 

When Adelina wakes up she finds herself in the care of the young elites. They are a group of malfettos fighting the the kingdom against their persecution. Leading the group is a young man by the name of Enzo. It turns out that Enzo is actually the crown prince. 

“I am tired of being used, hurt, and cast aside. It is my turn to use. My turn to hurt.” 

Enzo was banished from the kingdom after it was discovered that he was a malfetto. Stripped of his crown, Enzo is ready to take back the throne. 

Currently sitting on the throne is Enzo’s older sister. Wanting to be queen she got rid of Enzo as quickly as possible and had her husband assume the throne. 

The young elites are a powerful team. It’s looking like Adelina will be their newest recruit,  but first she needs to pass a few initiation tests. 

If she fails, she will be killed. 

“Embellish your flaws. They will turn into your assets.” 

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