Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Automata (2014)

“Automata” follows a long line of post apocalyptic science fiction films that pits humans against androids and there isn’t much that sets this film apart. 

The film stars Antonio Banderas who plays an insurance claims agent investigating a specific brand of robot built to help humans. 

Fail safes were installed into these robots to prevent them from harming humans and from becoming too powerful. These robots have somehow found a way to override the failsafes and begin thinking for themselves. 

Gabe Ibáñez directs and while it is cool to look at and to watch, once the film is over it hasn’t left much of an impression. 

Antonio Banderas does a pretty good job of doing something with the role even if the semantics of his job aren’t interesting to listen to. The only other cast member who is memorable is Melanie Griffith though I don’t mean that in a good way. 

The film was bogged down by being too similar to others films in the genre that came before, it can be interesting, but overall it’s probably something you’ve seen before. 

Rated: R
Run time: 1 hour 49 minutes 
See it on: Netflix

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