Saturday, June 17, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 was a smash hit. Well it was with everyone except me. There was nothing particularly wrong with it, but by the time I saw it the hype had set in and flown off and I found it highly overrated.

I know I'm a total buzzkill when it comes to comic movies. Anyway, with the first Guardians film being such a hit a sequel was bound to happen. This one is just as silly as the first and those that loved the first are bound to love this one.

This film follows the standard Marvel formula, but amps it up by ten. It should be a delightful romp and I'm sure to many people it is, but unfortunately it was kind of meh to me. For the most part this will be my reaction to comic/super hero films; they are just not my thing. I will give credit where credit is due: this is unlike any of the other Marvel films and I can see why it has such a following.

Guardians 2 continues to bring a lot to the table that the majority of the other films do not. It is a lot more bright and colorful and does not try to take itself seriously in the least. Written and directed by James Gunn, it plays by its own rules. The story follows a basic story arc (beginning, middle and clear ending) and there are plenty of moments for the characters' personalities to shine through.

This feels more like a comic book than the others though they come from the same source material. Peter Quill (Bring on the hate. Not a fan of Chris Pratt, at least in this role.) meets his father, Ego (Kurt Russell). The Guardians must go their separate ways to figure out the truth and along the way their bonds grow stronger. Set to music from the eighties there are plenty of kick ass moments.

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