Sunday, June 25, 2017

Going in Style (2017)

3.5/5 Stars

Alan Arkin, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman star in this film and since they are all great actors it is a pleasure to watch them perform even if the rest of the film is a bit off. All three men in their old age are getting screwed over in many ways by their retirement. At the beginning of the film Joe (Caine), finds himself in the middle of the bank heist and after seeing how much money the crooks made off with decides to convince his friends to rob the same bank with him. The majority of the film is spent seeing the three men practice for the heist and we get glimpses into their motivations for doing this, but they are glossed over for the most part.

The script is by no means fantastic, but there are enjoyable moments. Still the jokes could have been funnier and the serious moments could have been delved into much further. For what it was though it kept me entertained. The three stars have great chemistry and deliver good performances.

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