Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bombshell (2019)

4 stars ✨

Roger Ailes was fired as the head of Fox News four years ago as multiple sexual harassment claims came out against him.

On July 6, 2016 former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit against Ailes. She said was unlawfully fired for denying Ailes’s advances. More women came forward and an investigation was launched. Once Megyn Kelly came out saying that Ailes had made sexual advances toward her, his dismissal became inevitable. Two days later he was fired.

All of this came an entire year before #Metoo became a movement.

“Bombshell” is a dramatization of those events. It stars Charlize Theron as Megyn Kelly and Margot Robbie as the fictional Kayla Popsipil

The film has a distinct style. The camera is almost intrusive as it follows the characters around the set of a Fox News.

The film is nominated for an Oscar for makeup. This is highly deserved. The actors look pretty much identical to the real life people they are portraying.

The film is interesting to watch. It’s especially fascinating to see how many people at Fox News defended Roger Ailes and tried to make the women coming forward look like liars or vindictive people. Of course, this isn’t something new or something that has changed since then.

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