Thursday, November 21, 2019

Macbeth at Classic Stage Company

Macbeth is a great guy. He’s a fearless warrior. He’s a loving husband. He’s loyal to the crown. He’s loved by the king and most everyone else in his life.

It seems odd to say that he’s a likable guy, but he is. Classic Stage Company’s production of Macbeth stars Corey Stoll in the title role and he is charismatic as heck.

Macbeth is a complicated character, but it is easy to play him one note. This production does not do that making sure to differentiate Macbeth before and after the witches’ visions which he initially is appalled by.

The visions start happening as predicted and Macbeth is soon filled with a hunger for power.

Lady Macbeth needs to push her husband though into actually murdering the king Duncan (Mary Beth Peil). Duncan trusts Macbeth fully and is staying at his residence when the murder occurs.

Despite any initial reservations Macbeth is eager for the visions to become reality. Lady Macbeth (played by Stoll’s actual wife Nadia Bowers) must get the action going at first, but soon Macbeth is making the decisions on his own. These decisions bring about major consequences.

Soon Macbeth is no longer a great guy, but a cold hearted man. He had a great friend in Banquo (Erik Lochtefeld), but when Banquo is murdered, Macbeth feels no remorse.

Stoll navigates Macbeth’s changes smoothly. His rise to power is only more awful as we saw a glimpse of the man he once was.

The technical aspects are all simple. The main set piece consists of the throne upstage and two benches placed as needed. The characters wear all black with plaid shawls to distinguish who’s who as most of the cast plays more than one character.

Most of the murders are committed off stage, but a few are within the view of the audience. The lights are also sparse, which adds to the mystery of the murders. Everything is simple and for the most part effective.

Macbeth is aware that his doom is foretold. He chooses to ignore that. He becomes so consumed with power that he believes he is unstoppable.

Lady Macbeth starts out seemingly cold, but she ends up regretting their actions. Macbeth has the opposite change.

Macbeth is incredibly complex and this is one of the first times I’ve seen it portrayed as such. It was wonderful to watch.

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