Friday, October 5, 2018

Reversing Roe (2018)

Image result for reversing roe The decision of Roe v. Wade is at stake as Brett Kavanaugh seems to be on his way to be nominated to the Supreme Court.
Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg's Netflix documentary comes at a critical time for many women. Currently seven states have only one operating abortion clinic. Several states have placed restrictions to make getting an abortion difficult. No matter which side of the abortion argument you stand, you know that the nomination is important. 
One of the first people we are introduced to is Colleen McNicholas, a Missouri based doctor who travels all over the country providing abortions to states with no abortion providing doctors.
The film itself provides a history of abortion beginning in the 60s before Roe v. Wade leading up to now where people continue to fight for or against the right for an abortion. 
The film interviews Republicans who oppose abortion and the reasons why they are so against it. Due to this, I was surprised to learn that many of the original pro-abortion laws were passed by Republicans. In fact, Ronald Reagan passed the first, liberal abortion law when he was serving as governor of California in the 60s.
As opponents of abortion began to rise, they began campaigning for (and advising) several Republican candidates and anti-abortion sentiments became more of right-wing views. Many Republican candidates who were pro-choice or undecided won presidential elections after saying they were staunch pro-lifers (including Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump). 
No matter what ends up happening with the new Supreme Court Justice, it is apparent that the battle will continue. We see Wendy Davis filibustering in Texas and the what this means for the future of abortion in this country. We also see what a difference it makes to have several women serving on the Supreme Court as opposed to none or even one.
The film is biased as most documentary films are. However, to include people with differing views in the film, I think is an admirable attempt at keeping things too biased. Check out the film and hopefully learn something new. All I ask is that you make as informed decisions as you possibly can. 

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