Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Beatriz at Dinner (2017)

3.5/5 Stars

Salma Hayek plays the titular Beatriz a woman who is a masseuse and a holistic healer. She came as a young woman illegally into the United States and is now a citizen who works at a cancer center and feels the pain of any living thing around her. After her car breaks down while on a home visit, the lady of the house (Connie Britton) invites her to stay for dinner. Here Beatriz clashes with Doug Strutt (John Lithgow) a rich corporate man who goes against everything Beatriz stands for.

At first Strutt believes Beatriz is a maid and from there the clashes continue. The film is directed by Miguel Arteta and while there is a lot of good material to work from some moments do not stand out as much as they should although Hayek and Lithgow do deliver solid performances. Hayek and Lithgow are both naturals in their roles and they play off of each other delightfully. Lithgow steals the show though as one of the most unpleasant men to ever grace the screen.

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