Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Moonwalkers (2015)

3/5 stars
Rated R
1 hour, 47 minutes

Many people think the moon landing never actually occurred and was a hoax to build up morale in a nation in the midst of a cold war. This film explores the idea of the US government having a back up plan in case the astronauts never actually made it to the moon. Ron Perlman's CIA agent is sent to England to deliver a case full of cash to Stanley Kubrick so that he may make a fake moon landing as a plan B. Instead the money ends up in the hands of struggling band manager Rupert Grint and shenanigans ensue. It's a fun film. It's also jumpy, hectic and vulgar and it detracts from the overall fun. This could have been a hilarious film, but it ends up being funny and only okay. The performances make it all worth it.

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