Sunday, March 6, 2016

With You! at Frigid New York 2016

Poster for With You!
I wasn't sure what to expect when I decided to watch "With You!" at Frigid Festival.

What I got was a one-woman show that was engaging, sweet and filled with tons of energy.

"With You!" is funny and it brings us into a place of tolerance and love. It leaves you feeling happier than you did walking in.

The story follows Una as she joins her university's rugby team. It is semi-autobiographical and we learn the value of teamwork, tolerance and love as she goes on this journey. There is a message in this play, but it is not hammered into your head. It it simply told.

"With You!" is fun and is performed by the incredibly energetic Una Aya Osato. While her character is at times awkward and unsure of herself, Una is nothing but confident in her storytelling. The production brings us into a world not many of us are familiar with: an LGBT friendly university rugby team. The story flows seamlessly from one experience to another, and the experiences are hilarious and poignant.

The show is unlike anything I have ever seen before. I know nothing about rugby and my knowledge of it didn't increase after the show, but I did experience a new appreciation towards those who feel they have to hide who they are. I am a straight woman so I have nothing to hide and it's great that the members of this rugby team found a community where they could be nothing but themselves, but as we learn when Una heads to South Africa this isn't the case everywhere. We need more communities like that of the Lesleyan rugby team.

As I headed home, I felt different. I had no one to discuss this play with afterwards, but I hope more people were inspired by it and were able to have conversations about it.

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