Monday, February 22, 2016

Providence (2016)

The time for silent films is long gone. No one in the modern day would ever watch one. I saw one recently. It was released earlier this month and it was good.

Fred and Sharon Wilharm have been working on this project for a while. Finally they were able to bring this project to life and they are able to keep the audience engaged during the 80 minute run time without anyone on the screen speaking a word.

The story follows two friends. They meet and continue to miss each other romantically until finally they come together. It is strange to see a story told with no words, but once you get used to it it is easy to get sucked into the narrative.

The story is easy to follow. Mitchell and Rachel almost meet as children. They finally meet while in high school. They are attracted to each other, but it never goes anywhere. They lead separate lives and going into adulthood they are never truly happy.

The actors playing teenage Mitchell and Rachel (Josh Allen and Stacey Bradshaw) and adult Mitchell and Rachel (Rich Swingle and Juli Tapken) all deliver strong performances. They never overact. In a film where you have to rely solely on your body language and facial expressions, it's easy to go into clown mode, but the actors never do. They are truthful and the soundtrack does nothing but aid the story.

While this is a Christian film, it is not overtly religious. The focus of the story is love. Pure and simple.

Both characters are sympathetic and we feel for what they are both going through. We might not know exactly what they are saying or asking for, but we do know what they are feeling and in a film with no words, that is what is most important.

Cast: Josh Allen, Juli Tapken, Rich Swingle, Stacey Bradshaw
Writer-Director: Sharon Wilharm
Run Time: 80 minutes
Rating: Unrated

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