Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Coco (2017)

Sorry for the long hiatus. Moving to New York has got me adjusting to everything. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things as I have a lot to review. Starting with Pixar's Coco!

Coco follows Miguel an aspiring musician. Music is banned in his family as his great great grandfather abandoned his family to pursue a music career.

Coco is the name of Miguel's great grandma. She is the child affected by the sudden departure of her father. Miguel's family loves and cares for him, but a music career is out of the question. Miguel finds solace in Ernesto de la Cruz. He is the most famous person to come from Miguel's village. His music speaks to the people of Mexico and especially to Miguel.

De la Cruz's motto is "Seize the Day" and Miguel decides to do just that during Dia de Muertos. There is a talent competition that he wants to participate in, but his family insists he stay home. Miguel defies their wishes and in need of a guitar, runs to the de la Cruz's mausoleum to borrow his. It is here that Miguel finds himself in the realm of the dead.

The film is gorgeous. It is spectacular to watch. There are plenty of small details to immerse yourself in.

This film is definitely a tear jerker. When Miguel sings his rendition of de la Cruz's most famous hit "Remember Me", Orlando and I lost it.

The beauty of seeing my culture portrayed on screen was also emotional. Pixar got it right on so may levels.

I have nothing to say except: watch Coco.