Thursday, September 8, 2016

Gleason (2016)

4.5/5 stars
Rated: R for language

Former New Orleans Saints defensive back Steve Gleason was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 34. Six weeks after his diagnosis, he and his wife Michel learn they are expecting their first child. As ALS patients are usually given two to five years of life after their diagnosis, Gleason begins making video journals for his son. His goal: to pass on as much of himself to his son in case the worst is to come.

Gleason became known for blocking a punt from the Atlanta Falcons shortly into the first quarter of the Saints' return to the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina. After his diagnosis, he used his celebrity to bring attention to ALS. He started "Team Gleason", an organization that raised money for the benefit of those with ALS. When those affected by ALS were being denied voice boxes, he paid for them until President Obama passed the Steve Gleason act which ensured Medicare covered their voice boxes expenses.

He dedicates a lot of time to Team Gleason at the expense of his health and time spent with his family. Ultimately he decides to remain a part of the organization, but he and Michel are not as involved in order to spend more time with each other and their son, Rivers. Gleason is not afraid to share any part of his deterioration. It is difficult to watch, but you come out being more educated about ALS. He shares intimate details about his relationships especially the one with his father. Growing up they had a rocky relationship and after his diagnosis he decides to make things right between the two of them.

Michel is fearless and you have to admire her strength. Things are difficult for the Gleasons, but they continue to fight together.